
  • 2017-06-09 過敏與肥胖憂鬱不再困擾我




"A dear friend turned me on to Dr. Mercola and his wonderful news letter. I have always considered myself to be a fairly healthy individual, because I don't get sick. In fact, "I don't get sick" is my personal mantra all through cold and flu season. I believe in the power of positive thinking. And while I never get the flu or colds, I have suffered from depression, allergies, insomnia, and obesity. That does not sound very healthy does it? I was at a health fair and had a scan done on the QX machine, one of the things that showed up was a huge vitamin D deficiency. In July 2004 I started takingCod liver Oil, 1 tsp per fifty pounds of body weight, as recommended by Dr. Mercola. WOW!! I have never felt better in my life. I sleep very well and my depression has disappeared. My lips have been very pale for years but now they now have a nice pick color. My eyesight seems to be improving, especially the ability to see at night. And 30 pounds have disappeared with no effort on my part. I feel like a new person. Overall in a very short period of time, my life has changed for the better, and I'm grateful to Dr. Mercola, for his web site, newsletter and the articles and products he has researched and recommends. I was 61 on my last birthday and I'm looking forward to a long happy, healthy life. Thank you Dr. Mercola."

Patty Hutchinson
Yelm, WA

extract from
Way to deal with allergies,insomnia,obesity




不論是冬季或感冒流行季節,我就是不會生病;事實上自己一向就是超健康的;個人篤信只要正向思考事情,人就不容易生病.只不過雖然平時很少生病,不可避免的還是會有一些困擾產生:例如像憂鬱症,睡不好,過敏以及肥胖症就是自己始終揮之不去的惡夢;後來經由從血液的測試,証實了一 件事;我的血液維他命D濃度不但長期偏低,而且嚴重的不足缺乏.於是我從2004年的7月開始使用鱈魚(COD LIVER OIL)的魚肝油產品,按照麥可拉博士的量身訂製建議用量:每7公斤的體重配合0.5ml的魚肝油用量,令人想不到的事情發生了!我的睡眠轉好,憂鬱症不見了,夜晚的視力也得到改善,更令人想不到的是在一段時間以後,體重竟然掉了12公斤!感謝麥可拉博士的推薦,從此我有如換了一個人似的!我今年已經61歲,經由鱈魚的魚肝油保養,讓我對未來充滿了期待.
威斯康辛州 貝蒂








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