
  • 2019-11-16 維他命D可以減少多重硬化症的肆虐


Vitamin D may reduce risk of MS
Huge study tested 7 million in military

By Ronald Kotulak
Tribune science reporter

December 20, 2006

The risk of developing multiple sclerosis, one of the more common neurological diseases in young adults, may be significantly reduced with higher blood levels of vitamin D, according to the findings of the first large-scale study of the vitamin and MS.

The study, based on stored blood samples from more than 7 million U.S. military personnel, found that young people who had the highest levels of vitamin D had a 62 percent lower risk of developing MS than people with the lowest level. The report appears in Wednesday's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder that causes the disintegration of the protective myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells, leading to gradual loss of function and disability. It affects 350,000 people in the U.S. and 2 million around the world.

The results of the study suggest vitamin D could be used to prevent thousands of cases of a serious, incurable illness, said the study's principal author, Alberto Ascherio, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

"But to know whether that's true or not, we need to do a large, controlled, randomized trial in which some people will get vitamin D and some people will not," Ascherio said.

The main source of vitamin D is the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight, which stimulates the skin to produce the vitamin. Smaller amounts of the vitamin are found in oily fish like salmon and in cod liver oil, egg yolks, liver and vitamin D supplements. Milk was fortified with vitamin D in the early 1900s, which ended endemic rickets.

Scientists first linked vitamin D deficiency to MS more than 30 years ago when they noticed the disease was more prevalent in northern latitudes where sunlight is sparse during winter months. People living in cities like Chicago, Boston and New York basically manufacture no vitamin D from sunlight from December through February.

More recent animal studies have shown that vitamin D injections prevent MS from developing in mice, which can be induced in a laboratory setting to develop the myelin destruction characteristic of multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D affects almost every type of tissue and is believed to play a major role in keeping the body's immune system on an even keel. Some experts theorize that insufficient vitamin D levels may lead the immune system to malfunction in ways that allow it to attack the body's own tissue. Insufficient vitamin D is a factor in osteoporosis and also has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, chronic pain, high blood pressure and other disorders.

The Harvard study adjusted for the geographic differences in sunlight exposure by comparing vitamin D levels among people living in the same latitudes. Between 1992 and 2004, 257 U.S. Army and Navy personnel were diagnosed with MS. The vitamin D content of their stored blood was compared to the levels in the blood of similar service personnel without MS living in the same latitudes. The findings applied to white service personnel only, as sufficient data were not available for blacks and Hispanics.

Some researchers believe the current recommended daily allowances of vitamin D are probably too low to maintain optimum health. The recommendations are 200 international units for infants, children and adults up to 50 years old; 400 IU for men and women from 50 to 70; and 600 IU for people older than 70.

Vitamin D supplements are generally considered safe except for megadoses, Ascherio said. But a large trial to determine if a several-fold increase in the intake of vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of MS is needed before recommendations can be made for people to take higher doses of the vitamin, he said.
This article is extracted from JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association)------
Vitamin D may reduce risk of MS








多重硬化症(Multiple Sclerosis)是一種原因不明的免疫系統疾病(Autoimmune Disorder).患者普便有行動不便與全身動能大幅下降的困擾;正常人能夠做的事,多重硬化症的人只能哀傷的獨自承受,可以用一個慘字來形容!多重硬化症的患者在美國有35萬人,而在全世界則有200萬人.根據美國哈佛大學營養流行病理學教授Alberto Ascherio在美國軍方一項700萬人次的研究報告指出:年輕的白人軍事人員血液中維他命D濃度如果越高,會比血液中維他命D缺乏的人減少62%的機率得到多重硬化症.(摘錄自2006年12月20日出版的美國醫學學會期刊,Journal of the American Medical Association); 在現代工商業的時代,不論男女普便缺乏運動,為了保護皮膚的健康美白,更不可能直接曝曬在太陽的紫外線之下;如此一來身體的維他命D怎麼會足夠?如果不利用補充鈣片的機會一起補充維他命D的成份,難保多重硬化症不會找上門?世面上維他命鈣片或魚肝油(魚肝油含有維他命A&D)產品有許多,最好是挑有背景的牌子才會有保障;至於大家要挑什麼牌子,由大家自己去決定,與本網站無關,祝福大家.





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